Front End Engineering Design (FEED) of Nowrooz Offshore Oil Field Development



  Front End Engineering Design (FEED) of Nowrooz Offshore

  Oil Field Development

Main Contractor: 
  Tehran Energy Consultant (TEC)
Engineering Subcontractor:  
  Rahbord Energy
Project Location: 
  North-western part of The Persian Gulf

  1)New Wellhead Platform:

  ESP Wells, Wellheads, Wellhead Control Panel,

  Test Manifold,Test Separator, Production Manifold,

  Chemical Injections:

  Demulsifier, Corrosion Inhibitor and Anti-foam

  2)New Production Platform:

  Crude separation, Crude treatment, Chemical injection

  distribution, Flare Header, Open & closed drains,

  Produced water treatment, Instrument/plant air distribution,

  Diesel oil distribution.

  3)One Subsea Pipeline:

  The produced oil from wellhead platform will be transferred to

   production platform through a subsea pipeline

  4)Two Subsea Cables:

  Two power cable will supply power from production platform to

  the wellhead platform.

Technical Category:  
  Offshore Oil Processing Platform
Services Performed: 

  1. Basic Design (FEED) Studies

  2. Preparation of EPC Documents
Estimated Man-hour: 
Project Status: 